
he's so funny. love him. still, it has to be said. they feel more like twins than husband and wife, right?


Wow, from that angle, you're right. Hey, unlike the first wife, she didn't bail on some of the diffulties in raising the son, who has Downs Syndrome.
anandamide said…
i think that's because they went for twin facelifts.....
EditorJDC said…
He can marry his brother if he wants - the man is a god to me!

Evil Spock said…
Love that guy. Evil Spock takes it that you watch Srubs then?
Creepy said…
Neither one of them has any semblance of an upper lip. And I'm pretty fucking funny and don't look like a ventriloquist doll yet I don't get chicks like that. Sure, money means nothing to broads.
"He can marry his brother if he wants - the man is a god to me!"

Between "Office Space," his little cameo in "Ghost World" and "Scrubs," absolutely!

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