thoughtless little pig

not for nuthin', my parents went through a ba-rutal divorce. seriously vile on every single level, so I'm tossin' in my two cents.the damage of what alec baldwin said ain't goin' away, we all know that, and how very wrong it was. it's simply unforgivable. however, I do think miss 9 1/2 weeks is exacerbating the situation. parent alienation absolutely exists and I think she's workin some serious slander mojo against mr. 30-cock. in my opinion, that is equally vile, equally damaging and equally unforgivable.
every body cum!
Absolutely, F.Scott. We have to take our lumps fair and square...while they get to do their damage control on virtually every news channel and outlet.
Alec: So you see, Dr. Phil, what I really meant to say was twig. Because I was actually trying to compliment her. Barring being a skeleton, you can never be too skinny in L.A.
"Your wife is your wife as long as you're married, but an ex-wife is FOREVER..."
I can't imagine how bitter and horrid a divorce can get, going on for 5 years or more.
I also know I'm glad no one's ever recorded me in my angriest moments and broadcast my voice all over the world.
Poor Alec. Nobody understands his pain.
Hey, many of us have "lost it" at times with our kids. Having kids can be frustrating. But they key is not totally losing it, not attacking them as he did, and not taking the frustrations he has with his ex out on the kid, even if the kid is siding with the ex.
This is where it is demonstrated whether a parent is an adult.
neither of them are acting in the kid's best interests and in my opinion that's horrific. they're so busy hating each other that they haven't for even one second considered their daughter's needs.
this kid is paying dearly for it and that is unforgivable.
She should be removed from both their care and put with family.
Can you imagine her thoughts? her lifestyle? The kids at school all looking at her?
This is why kids kill themselves - celebrity or not.
Was what AB said wrong. Yes. But we all do wrong things. What is worse, as far as I can see, is how a personal conversation, and a mis-step, go from a private phone to public domain. That can not have happened without either Missy or Ex's actions - and to go down that sort of road is a fairly major breach of trust and responsibility no one seems to be worried about... and for me, that sets the tennor of the relationship the three of them must have.