anything to avoid a deadline!

when I think about all of the customer service reps (cable, phone, gas company, electricity, etc.), I deal with and how nonexistent and rude service has become, it pisses me off. but, then I ask myself, why should they give a shit? there is no such thing as job security anymore. everyone is expendable regardless of your title, and bosses drive that point right into the fucking ground. insurance has become a perk. what vacation? sick days? not if you want to come back to a job. salaries have radically dropped and people are MISERABLE.
don't you wonder what was going on in musty's mind that actually made her snap think, if I start a fire, it won't even matter that I didn't finish his paperwork because he'll be way more concerned about his office being on fire. what kind of a boss was this guy? I'm not blaming him, but you gotta wonder what kind of a cock suckin' prick he must've been for this broad to go THAT FAR.
who sets fire to a building to get out of a deadline?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! WHO DOES THAT?!
Now where's my matches? I got a report that is never gonna be done in time while I am fucking around here...