here a lip, there a lip, everywhere a lip-lip

I'm a crotch watcher due to my lip phobia. I've unknowingly awakened the fear in the women in my family, too. so much so, my mother told me that while shopping for pants the other day, she asked the sales dame if she had lips. she was shocked. the retail gal, I mean. my mother was the first to ask that question. odd, no? my sister doesn't buy a new pair of pants without asking, am I lippy mess, before purchasing said trousers or jeans.
somebody please tell me why broads are bringing back lips? is it a phobia of men not knowing what a split pookie looks like? does it get you more dates?
it's very uncomfortable! it's like putting your vadge in a sausage casing.
I like to see a smooth V there with no bunching or protrusions. But after all, I'm a tit man, so what do I know?
Ahem, where was I? Oh, yeah, why am I even bothering to chime on this? We should ask Coco her valued opinion on the subject.
I think you should put out a PSA on the subject.
"Take care of your kitty and your kitty will take care of you!"
There is nothing that says "I am a white trash whore" more than a hefty dose of VVS.
For those of you who need more eduation and humour on the topic, may I direct you to one of my muses:
A must see. I particularly like the Haiku...
Alas, now that I've written this, I see where else youz galz are using shampoo. (Well, use conditioner too, so his eye doesn't get poked out.)
Well, eff me if my pussy wasn't talking more than I was. It held everyone rapt.
I find that pants that give me camel toe are just uncomfortable. I dont know how women wear them.. unless they're getting off on it?
Beats me!
Twilights in heaven
bring back my luv to me
what are those me ee ee nings
of all those flo ah ah wers
they tell the st or or y
the story of L O V E Love!