3-days in menses

my god, I am SERIOUSLY MENSTRUATING. I'm talkin' no joke bleeding, yo. it is a war zone betwixt heeblette's thighs. I sent in an army of pads and plugs. drugs for crampage and still no reprieve.

oy vey.


Mountjoy said…
The irony that something labelled a "sanitary belt" could appear so unsanitary is not lost on me.

I guess it's preferable to bleeding all over the seats....
Tanya Espanya said…
And it's Made in Canada! I think they still sell them here...
Ms Smack said…
well, quite the opposite MJ, my dear. Its a cleansing of the vaginal walls... our purest form, untouched blood, the real essense of a woman....

Hang in there, Ms K. xx
Mountjoy said…
Oh, no, Ms S, twas not the menses I found unsanitary: it was the concept of a wash'n'wear pad, attached with a safety pin, caked in remenants of the lost three month's menstrual blood that did my head in.

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