random nonsense

"No pardner, this isn't where I work... It's where my money works for me. I know my savings are safe here, because wherever you see that insurance emblem displayed you know your savings are protected by an agency of the U.S. Government."

that's one hell of an ad I found online, isn't it?!

I've decided that abstinence is very similar to going carb free. there isn't an upside to either.

I really think there should be a fat sucking program for the poor. I see it as a win-win. lemme splain. fattie poor folk get fat sucked out of their bodies making them thin. their fat is then injected into poor starving people making them healthy and robust. it's a good idea, no?

I'm not sure what's worse, fat rash or fat pull. fat pull is when appropriatee fitting underwear still manages to get sucked under the majora belly roll.

in my opinion fat pull blows fat rash away. fat rash though uncomfortable can be remedied with powder or lotion.

one fellow fatty I consulted with thinks fat rash is way worse, because you can't avoid it, skin on skin getting moist --pretty fucking nasty. the girl makes a point.


Hmmm, thanks. Time for another look at yesterday's lunch.
Anonymous said…
Fat rash, rat pull. I know I'm chubbing up when the panty rolldown starts. That's when the top elastic on the panties is so determined to not touch the belly flub that it rolls down in disgust.

For fat rash, I find that the Target version of Gold Bond powder does wonders for ick prevention. I don't go braless without it! Plus it's medicated to you get a wonderful little zing! upon application....
Anonymous said…
You are only about good ideas Katie. Your blog is protected by an agency of the U.S. Government too. Unless you say something bad about them.
Anonymous said…
Hmm, I approve of your fat sucking problem, but I don't necessarily approve of your fat inducing program. . .

I ventured here from Romius Texis' neck of the woods. And for the record, I approve of your raunchiness. If you'd be interested in a link exchange, I'm all up for it.
Katie Schwartz said…
chubbing up? you are so funny, d-cup! love the chub up.
Katie Schwartz said…
sadly true, daleish, so what do we think my tax debt will be this year? oy, faghedaboudit.
Katie Schwartz said…
evil spock, you're site's a rye-rye, added your link. thanks for adding mine :)
Anonymous said…
Awesome! You're so linked right about . . . now!

Ooh, can I be an honorary Jew? I usually order a Kosher meal on oversea flights . . .
Anonymous said…
I hate the fatroll that covers the cooch- I am assuming when laying on ones' back that slides to the side making bumping uglies possible, but when in full upright position that is one fugly sight!!!
Katie Schwartz said…
spockly, you're already an honorary jew, you're asian. our people love your people. we're tight, yo.

the kosher meal, dipping into jewbeav, are we?! nice touch.
Katie Schwartz said…
shroom, it really depends. if you have the fat belly point, it's definitely not hot. but, if you have taut, acquiescent fat, it's all good.

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