random nonsense

that's one hell of an ad I found online, isn't it?!
I've decided that abstinence is very similar to going carb free. there isn't an upside to either.
I really think there should be a fat sucking program for the poor. I see it as a win-win. lemme splain. fattie poor folk get fat sucked out of their bodies making them thin. their fat is then injected into poor starving people making them healthy and robust. it's a good idea, no?
I'm not sure what's worse, fat rash or fat pull. fat pull is when appropriatee fitting underwear still manages to get sucked under the majora belly roll.
in my opinion fat pull blows fat rash away. fat rash though uncomfortable can be remedied with powder or lotion.
one fellow fatty I consulted with thinks fat rash is way worse, because you can't avoid it, skin on skin getting moist --pretty fucking nasty. the girl makes a point.
For fat rash, I find that the Target version of Gold Bond powder does wonders for ick prevention. I don't go braless without it! Plus it's medicated to you get a wonderful little zing! upon application....
I ventured here from Romius Texis' neck of the woods. And for the record, I approve of your raunchiness. If you'd be interested in a link exchange, I'm all up for it.
Ooh, can I be an honorary Jew? I usually order a Kosher meal on oversea flights . . .
the kosher meal, dipping into jewbeav, are we?! nice touch.