new katieism

for broads that prefer meat on the fly, fuck and chuck. get it? I'm lame. whatever. it's probably older than dirt.


Anonymous said…
Now if the chuck were made into a hamburger, it would be close to the time I tried to eat a pastrami sandwich in bed while getting laid.
Al Sensu said…
Now you've planted a picture in my head. And the question is, "Who gives a flying fuck?"
Hmmm, sounds a little too mia for my taste.
Katie Schwartz said…
oh georgey porgey, love that fuckin' page.

click! click! click! for kreplach.
Katie Schwartz said…
al, you sick, funny boy. looks like a fun toy, but glass dildos have always gened me out. I worry. glass. pussy. ewww.
Katie Schwartz said…
really? awww, you're relationship guy, coaster. we love that.
Anonymous said…
I just like that they are "hand blown". I have an image of 250 sweatshop Korean (or Chinese) woman, all down on thier knees in a undercover workshop, getting $0.15/trick for blowing glass penii...
Al Sensu said…
MJ, you crack me up. I just realized how SMALL those things are. They're mike little hummingbirds. Hey, talk about a "hummer."
Katie Schwartz said…
oh, mount joy, I am so with sensu on this. you are hilar squared. so glad you're back!!!
Anonymous said…
Yeh I havent ever considered buying a glass one. Just doesnt seem right. Not that plastic/gel belongs in there either... maybe its the similar softness to a willy that attracts me? dunno.

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