change is good

I know we all have a love hate relationship with change.
am I rhymee? love a good non sequitur
anywho, it's still me, just darker. every girl needs a splash of color. right?
hate it?
love it?
don't really give a shit?
am I rhymee? love a good non sequitur
anywho, it's still me, just darker. every girl needs a splash of color. right?
hate it?
love it?
don't really give a shit?
(I recently came over from Dale's, and I have to catch up by reading your archives, like I have no naps to take or pudding to eat?!)
but it's just not you, babe.
Katie Schwartz is brash, loud, cross-the-line, buckle up and hold on for the ride.
sorry, but Monutjoy thought he'd blogged to IBM for a minute when he first arrived.
you want change? give yourself a dozen or so years and your baby making plumbing will be giving you all the change you can handle: hot flushes, mood swings, facial hair. now THAT's change!
I can always switch back. I needed a new look. those stars were so damn busy, oy. all that pink, too.
ibm? well, I am a thinkpad ho.
AND there is a huge amount of templates, and code where the comments are at the top!
I've been contemplating a template change too. Good for the mind to re-arrange stuff every so often.
mmmuah darlin'
Honestly! Sheesh! They have to have somewhere and something to channel all of that hate and intolerance against.