cars need gas?

wait a minute. wait a minute! hold the presses. ok---let me get this straight, cars that require gasoline don't have auto-fill gas genies? gas isn't automatically in the tank prior to running out of it? no way! is this a new thing?

I simply cannot believe that anyone's friends or family would condone this level of stupidity. I'm confounded. bewildered. mouth-agape shocked.


It was so appropriate of her to take back the change, too!
Nicky said…
This is postively dumbfounding - I actually had to watch it twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Thank you for your alertness to this matter, Katie, and just wanted to let you know that I have also apprised my (small) readership of this as well (giving due credit to you for breaking the story of course).

Thank you again.
Joe said…
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people He gave it to."
--Dorothy Parker.

Get a load of this--in my daughter's 9th grade class there's a girl who, when asked to name a role model, gave Paris Hilton. No shit. This girl is 14, and between dyed hair, foundation makeup and fake tanning her hair and skin are the same shade of beige.

Thank you, Hilton.
Al Sensu said…
This is the girl whose Sidekick got hacked because her password was her dog's name. Even I knew her dog was Tinkerbell, and I'm not proud of that.

And what the hell is Miss DUI still doing behind the wheel?
Anonymous said…
Ah, you have a penchant for stupid blondes on your blog.
Katie Schwartz said…
of course, coaster. she works very, very, very hard for her money.
Katie Schwartz said…
nicky, I had to watch it twice, too. I was so SHOCKED. I just couldn't believe it.

her stupidity is offensive.
Katie Schwartz said…
that is so scary about your daughter's classmate. as a parent, I would be beside myself. it wouldn't be as bad if she didn't tout herself as a role model. oy vey.
Katie Schwartz said…
sensu, all I heard about the hack job was that her screensaver was naked pictures of herself. she was quoted.
Katie Schwartz said…
I do, evil spock. I do! I do.
Katie Schwartz said…
ps:: spock, you know what they say, you always envy what you aren't. could it be?!
Al Sensu said…
Naked pix of herself and digits of her celebrity friends who all had to change their numbers.

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