and now for.... fartkisaf

fartkisaf: friday's fears and reminder that katie is a freak.... but on saturdays. sundays.

1. change. oy.
it's a mother bitch, ain't it? knowing you need to invoke change. being a duality and appreciating the value of change, but also fearing change. nothing quite says resolution like being at odds with oneself 100% of the time. it's super festive squared.

2. louie's ankles.
he started physical therapy this week and his arthritis drenched ankles blew up like the size of cleveland. being a neurotic freak of nature, I panicked. but, the following day, I noticed marked improvement and though the ankles are still swollen, they're more like the size of maine now. as long as he's not in pain and his quality of life remains the same, it's all good.

3. eenie meenie minee mo which sibling gets to tell the monster she's a big fuckin' alcoholic ho?!
that would be me. fuck fuck mother fuck.


Nicky said…
Urgh, the ol' telling-someone-they're-an-alcoholic-ho. That old chestnut. Sounds super. I feel ya.
Anonymous said…
Um, yeah. You are a freak.

Makes me feel normal, thanks!
Joe said…
Sweet weepin Jeebus, why do YOU have to be the one? That kind of burden needs to be spread around. Slap your sibs. Or bribe them.
Al Sensu said…
You need to engage the sibs in that warm family get-together called An Intervention.
Anonymous said…
screw intervention- commit her to rehab- it is kinda like camp only with detox.... but seriously there are crafts!
Katie Schwartz said…
yes, nicky, dahling, should be quite a fuckin' hoot.
Katie Schwartz said…
hey, spock, that's not very asian of you. whatever happened to repressing your feelings?! my people are the vocal ones. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahd.
Katie Schwartz said…
bubs, sweet weepin jeebus? that's funny, yo.

it's all good, sweets.
Katie Schwartz said…
sensu, what am I new?! oy.
Katie Schwartz said…
shroom, you're so fuckin' harsh. I LOVE IT.

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