happy birthday cuntsteinowitz blog

the bitch's blog is one-year old today. can you stand it?!

prior to having a blog, I really didn't get the whole blog thing. don't judge. don't be vile to fehatty.

last year at this time, crionaberry encouraged me to start a blog. ok, she hocked me and I'm so damn glad she did! thank you darling crionaberry.

who knew a blog would be such a laugh and a half or that I would make such festive blog friends?! BUT, I HAVE!!! it's been super festive squared. I really appreciate everyone I've had the privilege of meeting, reading and shmoozing with.

thanks for letting me be a venomous snatch on wheels. making me laugh my fat ass off. making me think. and being all around good natured, INSIGHTFUL e-stalk and blog buddies.

hugs-kisses-and blow jobs (for good measure),


Anonymous said…
Oh thankyou beautiful Katie...but really, the pleasure is all mine!

Thank YOU for your support and ongoing blog-thingy.

xx Here's to 2007, honey.
Happy Blogiversary
Happy Blogiversary
Ha-ppy Blogiversary

Happy, happy, happy, not crappy Blogiversary

Happy, happy, happy, nor grumpy, and slappy Blogi-ver-sary

Happy Blogiversary
Happy Blogiversary
Happy, happy, happy Blogiversary!
Anonymous said…
Happy blogiversary, kgirl! And thanks for tossing some love my way.

The Honey wishes you all the best, too. And a late happy hannuka (now he's critiquing how I spell the holiday, but you get the message...)
Katie Schwartz said…
oh, thank you, thank you, sweet honey smack. xo
Katie Schwartz said…
thank you, wp, ya such a great online bff!!! the best evah.
Katie Schwartz said…
d-cup, tell InstaSchmuck it's time to go fuck himself. you spell it jes fine.

thank you, honey!

Al Sensu said…
I remember those days of blog-skepticism. What a waste, what a time suck. Yet I've found value and friendship in the, dare I call it, blogosphere. And you, my dear, tops among those friends. Thanks, and keep it cumming.
Anonymous said…
The blogging's turned out to be a blast for me Katie because of people like you, your commenters and the ton of excellent stuff out there that makes me jealous and happy at the same time. Congrats!

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