bitter cunts unite

I'm having an angry day. I feel angry, don't I? I look angry, right? the rage is just oozing out of my snatch faster than the speed of light. I don't even have my menses or a yeast infection so what gives?!

more later.


ps: new word, snatchtastic


Al Sensu said…
Al Sensu said…
Sometimes you just need a good cup o' tea to settle down, my dear.
"Sometimes you just need a good cup o' tea to settle down, my dear."

And some Ambien from Blair, a green pill from Lindsay, some Limoncello from George and Danny D, and hopefully, nothing from Courtney...because she doesn't understand moderation or dilution.


One bush makes you larger
And, one bush makes you small
But the one labled "snatchtastic"
Doesn't do anything at all

Go ask Katie
When she's shopping at the mall
I'm really interested in knowing how the doormouse works into this one...
Anonymous said…
A shot of penicillin will clear oozing rage right up K.

Cup said…
I love a woman who can say "cunt." And I plan to use the sublime "snatchtastic" in a sentence every day for the next week. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I heart you.
Anonymous said…
Snatchtastic is wonderful. I think I skipped snatch and went right to cunt, but snatch is a great word!!
Katie Schwartz said…
snatchtacular, nice, mars!!! how are you, bubbie?
Katie Schwartz said…
snatchamatic?! sweet, sensu!
Katie Schwartz said…
good point, al. I know. sometimes a girl just needs to slow down and take a bissel inventory, doesn't she?!
Katie Schwartz said…
OMG, WP, YOU ARE SO HILAR!!!! hahahahahahahhahaha.
Katie Schwartz said…
mars: wise ass.
Katie Schwartz said…
jdc, thanks for the hot tip! I opted for z-pack. today, I have a pulse again.
Katie Schwartz said…
beth, I love a woman who can say cunt, too. oh so much!
Katie Schwartz said…
I hear you too, smack!!!!!!
Katie Schwartz said…
jules: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. cunt and snatch from a dame. nice.

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