in a queer ass attempt to deal with myself, I'm going to do something I don't normally do. actually, it was dale's essay about his childhood,
Passion Of The Dale: Strangers With Chips, that I read a few weeks ago that gave me the moxie to do this today. I've been conflicted about it.
wp can tell you. I posted it months ago and then ripped it down as quickly as it went up. but, there are a few reasons I'm sharing it. one, women need to know about it. two, I hope it begets a change I need to make.
graves becomes herthere's a comment rule on this. no empathy. no sympathy. I'm serious. no empathy. no sympathy or I will hunt you down and vomit all over you.
go with god,
(What? I'm just following instructions.)
The top ten best things about having a debilitating disease nobody's ever heard of:
10. Suddenly you have an opinion on Medicare.
9. What with all the reading, you know EXACTLY what they're talking about when you watch "House."
8. Guaranteed, there's a non-profit organization out there that wants you to be its spokesman.
7. It totally rocks to be able to be pissed about stuff you really can't do anything about for a change.
6. It's exactly like winning the lottery, only instead of fat sacks bulging with money, you get dramatic mood swings and explosive diarrhea. But other than that, it's exactly the same.
5. You will never have to pay for a speeding or traffic ticket again. Ever.
4. I've looked and looked, but I haven't found any hard upper age limit on that "Make a Wish" foundation thing. Just sayin'.
3. Telethon after telethon after telethon.
2. You no longer have to worry about getting sick. So THAT's a major weight off your shoulders.
1. Suddenly you have an endless source of stuff to blog about.
If you haven't yet, please look into homeopathy. It doesn't always work (but neither does standard medicine), but it can provide breakthroughs, decrease your dependence on allopathic drugs, and best of all is safe. I'm sure you can find a good homeopath in LA. Unfortunately insurance won't cover, unless you move to England.
And Barbara Bush needs someone to chat or drool with so how can you be so selfish sitting there in your own itchy misery?
Although I'm not sure how my 'chips' led you to post, I'm glad you did just the same.
I bet Blair's at her gist's office, that's why you can't track her down. Copycat beeyotch.
Peace out.
oh, no, wait, that's for fascists.
I also say go for the sympathy. milk it while you can, baby, 'cause you know remission is right around the corner then you will have lost your chance.
hi, make a wish, I want lisa welchel to spend the day with my fat hyperthyroid ass. NOW.