insomnia w/jesus p2

no wonder haggard didn't want to masturbate instead.


Mountjoy said…
I think we just found a new euphemism for wanking:

"Making baby jesus cry"....

Which then opens a whole other can of worms about phrases such as "Jesus Wept!" and just why anyone would call their penis "baby jesus" in the first place...
nothing specifies that you will actually hear him.. you know, what with him being so far away in time and space.
Al Sensu said…
And all these years I thought I heard myself crying out when I came.
Ms Smack said…
hahahha , i'm with you Al.

That means, i've made baby jesus cry 4 times this week! hurrah!
Unknown said…
mabye it's because he has a teeny peeny.
That rat bastard Write Proctologist tagged you, kick his ass!
Anonymous said…
awww shit, he must be wailing then, cuz I have been a busy girl....
Katie Schwartz said…
euphemism for wanking. you know joy juice, I love you harder each and every day.
Katie Schwartz said…
HAHAHAHAHAHHA-- mars, you do realize that's a huge misconception, right? I take it you don't have a personal relationship with our lord and savior, jesus christ?! perhaps you should reconsider. he can touch your life each and every day.
Katie Schwartz said…
no, al, that was jesus. he's always just a circle jerk away.
Katie Schwartz said…
ooh, miss smack, you go girl!
Katie Schwartz said…
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA <-- love teeny peeny crionaberry
Katie Schwartz said…
wp, write proctologist. you sick, sick young man.
Katie Schwartz said…
shroomie dahling, if you pray hard enough, jesus will insert himself inside you and you can cry together :)

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