comment lesson o' the day

well, I can't post comments. you can. I can't. can you believe it? banished by blogger from commenting on my own blog. sigh. I'm a blue jew. if blogger wasn't owned by google, I would think it was a republican conspiracy for no particular reason.

potd. you want to fuck me twice? what if I can suck a bagel through an asian man's cock? what if I suck in bed and fuck like a dead fish? you still want a second go? don't forget to do your movie meemish. I know, I'm a pushy cuntsteinowitz. it's what we do.
mother hen. I haven't switched to beta blogger.
honey smack. thanks.
crionaberry. thanks for the test.


Anonymous said…
nicole test posting
Unknown said…
test posting again
Dale said…
It's Dale...testes posting.
yournamehere said…
We can comment and you can't? hmmmmm.
Anonymous said…
Well thats really fucking wierd

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