in the year 2006, they said what?

so far this year, I cannot believe some of the offensive and racist comments that I have heard. that people have actually said TO MY face without giving it a second thought.
1: I thought your people were only allowed to eat unleavened bread?
2: do you know where I can find the best bagels in los angeles?
3: when it comes to the coloreds...
4: it's ok for lesbians to be in positions of power because they have an organic male ability to intellectualize a problem, but not straight women. they are far too emotional.
5: I don't think your parents will appreciate your brother bringing home an asian girl.
6: you were in an actual relationship with a black man?
7: middle class white people don't get std's. just gays and poor people.
8: immigrants are ruining this country.
9: I'm surprised you haven't gotten a writing job in television yet. jews run hollywood and you're a jew.
10: I would never fuck a fat chick. if I were drunk, I'd consider letting her blow me. but that's it.
I bet Katie is thrilled you're with her on #10.
You plonker...
Next time these misinformed creatures crawl out of the La Brea tarpits and spew forth their flammable rhetoric, run this buy them...
"Excuse me, have you consulted a proctologist lately?"
"Because you seem to be pulling the strangest things out of your ass today."
See, we're lucky in America that at this stage, it is just chlmydia and VD that are on the rise.
"8: immigrants are ruining this country."
The same contention that Native Americans have been saying since 1492. No, it's not the companies and corporations that will hire illegal immigrants, rather than pay legal citizens a fair wage. They have nothing to do with it.
It's not corporate welfare, it's social welfare. Blame an immigrant the next time your job is outsourced.
1: I thought your people only had very tight sphincters.
2: do you know where I can find the best blow job in Bronxville?
3: when it comes to the Catholics...
4: it's ok for alcoholic sons of patrician former presidents to be in positions of power because they have an organic male ability to intellectualize a problem, but not black mammy piano playing former university provosts. they are far too emotional.
5: I don't think your parents will appreciate your brother bringing home an asian boy.
6: you were in an actual relationship with a priest?
7: middle class white people don't get std's. just republican congressmen
8: the immigrants are ruining this country. let's send everyone back whose ancestors aren't native.
9: I'm surprised you haven't gotten a writing job in television yet. Rupert Murdoch runs Hollywood, and, oh that's why.
10: if a fat chick were drunk, she still wouldn't blow you
This post made my blood boil, but I particularly liked Mr M's comments.
Kudos to you Katie.