doll collecting

ok... I think collecting dolls is creepy. It just screams, cybil-sweet-baby-Jane. doesn't it?

who collects dolls? that's like collecting figurines and hallmark chachkeys.

judgmental? of course! it's still creepy as shit.

it's still raining. I am so afraid to go to my car. I'm terrified that it will be saturated in h20.

my sister is getting married next week. I wish beyond wish that I didn't have to do it. I wish it were a few months from now. I'm not ready.

I don't understand marriage.

the truth of the matter is that it makes me feel stuck and trapped, like I can't breathe.

this blog has made me realize that I am a therapist's dream come true. I'm like super patient.

I'm allergic to meat and seafood, but I love the smell of BBQ. I've never been able to eat the stuff. I wear leather.

my dog vomited this morning. the shtunk of vomit makes me so nauseas. hellnine vomit is even more disgusting.

can't wait to see my brothers next week or my bff, Katie.

ok, clearly, I'm in BIG avoidance mode. can you tell?

I've been up since the crack of my ass and I went to bed not five minutes earlier.

Insomnia sucks ass.


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